It's a step up from it's counterpart XI, and the graphics are stellar and reminiscence of it's previous predecessors. In fact, it suddenly makes Aion look less than impressive, brutally kicking it aside to the curb. The preview soundtracks of the in-game music is faithfully blended towards the typical Final Fantasy style, any game that maxes out it's graphical and musical attraction is definitely a priority on my list.
Possibly the only other unreleased title that could be on par with FFXIV at the moment would be Blade & Soul. But otherwise, both are long awaited titles with the excellent previews and sneak peek, it makes NCsoft and Blizzard become half-ass worry warts.

The game also centrals around some races, apparently with the most human looking of races, the Hyur as their poster boy. Interestingly, he's also what you would see on the standard edition of the CD set. The other races are very fantasy themed, revolving around demon hybrids, midget elves, bipedal animal hybrids and giants for inspiration. Those who have played Asmodians in Aion would find the Elezen strangely familiar; without the red glowing eyes and furbacks.
Subscription fees wise, it seems there's talk they maybe reusing the same rates as they did for Final Fantasy XI. Doing some math, it's definitely cheaper than what I have been paying NCsoft for my Aion subscription. Looks like it's time to jump ship, and my friend's already miles ahead by pre-ordering the Collector's Edition, which has some juicy bonuses the Standard Edition will be missing out. One of which would be starting the game 8 days earlier than the rest.
I'm already wet with anticipation just thinking about the game. Square Enix never disappoints!
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