10 July 2010


She has made her final stand, albeit through her representative. I can give up now, though sadly, bit by bit, hatred has seeped in, oozing all over the image I once held over her. My friend, the one I knew from back then, is dead and never coming back. The current her I do not recognize, as she does of me too.

I have to accept this irreplaceable truth and bear it in mind. He called again and I wasn't expecting it, everytime I hear him ramble; I lose it. I only forced myself to hear some vague parts like leaving his beloved friends alone, and other stuff not worth mentioning. Basically for the rest of the one sided conversation, the phone was at an arm's length away from my ear.

Once again, I got shot into the heart, deep and head on. It's definitely over, there were other friendly warnings but I didn't want to listen further as I had no interest in any of them. I don't understand what went wrong, bad luck? Misunderstanding?

I probably could never have any answer, just like how we have no answer why there's life and death. It just continues it's cycle, slowly, surely and never ending.

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