It just hit me that trying to establish a unique blog with the proper blogskins and tabs is no less hectic as compared to home improvement and house hunting. All in all, it's horribly hectic and if you did a shabby job; just as you probably don't want to write in the blog, you wouldn't want to live in a half-assed renovated house either.
I just gone through phase one of my blog improvement, at least I managed to settle down with a blogskin I'm caught dead to. But everything else remains a problems and while slapping the blog with a new face, I forgot to save my links which effectively wiped out all my links to my other friends' blogs.
That's another into the list of the stupid things we do.
So for a while, just ignore the incomplete stuff, they're still in the works though it really irks me. It's like seeing those paint buckets, new furniture, belongings and stuff jammed all over your new home. But it should be worth it in due time, I would be compelled at least to want to update more often.
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