It's already been three weeks, BMT is passing through faster than I thought but the biggest problem is the hectic time and schedule I have planned for myself whenever I book out of Tekong.
Unpacking and packing, slacking, eating, sleeping (insert personal activities and etc here), the list is horrendously disgustingly long. BMT has been harsh but still enjoyable although the food sucks. field camp is coming soon, and everyone's worst nightmare is being in full battle order and braving the days in the jungle. I also have to worry about slip-ups that can land me in confinements or etc penalties. In fact, I think I'm due for a confinement because my number has just been taken when my sergant spotted remnants of my camouflage creme on my face due to not washing my helmet clearly.
Sucks, I have to bring extra clothing and such I guess to spend the extra day or two.
Another interesting thing is that I finally made a Facebook account, I suddenly got compelled to create an account after seeing my friends' email on Facebook for the upteenth time. I also decided to get rash and posted this blog's URL up there which means this secret blog isn't exactly serious anymore.
I got to be really discreet in what I write now, so much for being out of the box. I'm in a mess now, trying to do things here and there, I'll be lucky to even get another entry done soon before fatigue kills me. At least that's another check off my list...
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