01 October 2009


Singaporean celebrities Christopher Lee and Fann Wong finally held their wedding with a bang, but that's not really the major news here. More importantly, Singapore has increased it's electricity bill by 12.5% starting 1 October 2009 onwards!

This is obviously a big fat blow to middle class and poor folks, and to all the gamers as well. Not to mention other industries and people alike who consume electricity on an everyday basis. There are however perks to this, for once we could actually take the issue of conserving electricity seriously now.

I'll quote my ma'am who has made a very interesting observation based on the increase:

"It's ridiculous and companies like Starhub are actually promoting more cable TV channels, how are supposed to comply to watching more TV now?"

Sadly but true, in fact I'm not even thrilled about leaving my laptop overnight now for gaming purposes. Air-cons in my house are being cut down to the minimum, my mum and sister actually slept in the living room yesterday night. It's cooler than being cooped up in a fan blown room, according to them.

I secretly believe the recent F1 event caused the surge, not only is it due to fuel price increases as they mentioned. Singapore has indeed a high standard of living, but everything no doubt comes at a price. Throw in Global Warming and the recent spate of events happening all over the world, it makes you wonder can any price buy a comfort living these days.

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