Well the point is anyway that Asiasoft kept mum on a lot of things and kept assuring the players everything was under control. When rumours surfaced that that were hacked and stuff, they only tried to do damage control and reminded it's players on cyber security. Some of the more popular reminders are...
1) Don't share your password or account information with anyone but yourself
2) Refrain from visiting websites that you are unsure of, they might contain trojans, keyloggers etc
3) Don't play at cybercafes and you may not be sure how up-to-date their anti-virus softwares are (or worst, they don't have one)
Unfortunately, majority of the victims are people who have followed about 100% of the rules, even the low profile players aren't spared from the hackings. Theories and finally a solid logical explanation were posted in the forum about the spate of hackings. One of the theories about using IGNs to hack due to a database leak proved it's truth when the ranking board at MapleSEA was taken down. Not much of an action was done, and the management was quiet other than highlighting their reminders incessantly. They even went as far as to disabling the create account/change password functions to prevent hackers from doing their work, but this also put the current players at risk because their data reminds the same and if the hacker could cracked their accounts, it's game over for them.
Finally the saving grace - http://www.todayonline.com/pdf_open.asp?id=1109HNR003
Unfortunately, the report wasn't exactly 100% accurate on whatever information the players provided. Yeah it's only due to a combined effort of players this was finally able to make it on the news, but bleh at the other big newspaper who refused to publish about it. This newspaper report proved a few things:
1) Asiasoft finally admitted they were under a hacker's attack, took a report to weed this out of them
2) The public knows about Asiasoft's reactions and actions taken to this crisis
3) Maplestory is Asiasoft's biggest pillar
I mean take a look at the previous once existent games Asiasoft was hosting, PangyaSEA and KongKongSEA. KongKongSEA was shut down because of a poor player base, I have not much to say but the decision was almost sudden. Then almost out of nowhere, PangyaSEA had to shut down too because of a poor player base reason as well. This I really have to vent it out, Pangya may have a low player base but it's certainly stable with players forking out money regularly on a-cash. It's a game that's relaxing because there is little grind factor, nice community, great potential in the game and most importantly - this game had rarely any lag/rollback/hacking issue which MapleSEA had the most!
Of course, it's obvious Asiasoft gives more shit about it's profits and Pangya went away too. Look at Japan's Pangya, it's obvious the game is thriving very well there. Now that Asiasoft's...actually Moneysoft is a better name, main pillar is collapsing, it's desperately trying to save it. I really want to almost mock that they think they're being hacked by China hackers. Whatever they claimed were based on the discussions and theories by the players in the forum, hell even some of the players managed to draw out the database leak theory earlier than they did.

Haha, look at the drop in players they had based on the hits of their website. It's obvious that it's showing a decline in popularity. And it's also obvious that when all this hacking saga is over one day, there will never be compensation as the loss is overwhelming so they are going to make up with what - more free 2 hours 2x exp/drop rate events?
*Explodes into uncontrollable fits of laughter*
I'll just watch slowly how this giant who makes millions a day from selling Prepaid cards fall to bits and pieces, hell I'm so merciful I'm not going to even talk about their lousy customer services.
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